
Latest findings, studies, issues papers, position papers

Hemp Manifesto / read more…

Europe is currently facing an unprecedented and alarming situation that will certainly bring about major changes, if not a startling transformation, in all aspects of our lives. This looming crisis will forever alter the existing world order, leading to new social, health, political and economic models that will determine the future of new generations to

Roundtable: Discussion about cannabidiol (CBD) and novel food goes into the next round

Brüssel / Köln – In die Debatte um die Frage, ob CBD-haltige Produkte grundsätzlich unter die Verordnung für zulassungspflichtige neuartige Lebensmittel (Novel Food) fallen, kommt Bewegung. Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) bestätigt Eingang der Unterlagen der EIHA EIHA fordert Korrektur der pauschalen BVL-Beurteilung von CBDhaltigen Produkten Daniel Kruse...

EIHA versus BVL: Cannabidiol (CBD) is not necessarily subject to registration as a novel food

Der European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) ist ein richtungsweisender Erfolg in der Diskussion um den allgemein zulässigen Handel und Verkauf von CBD-haltigen Produkten gelungen. Demnach haben sich die deutsche Bundesregierung sowie das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) eindeutig erkennbar der Auffassung der EIHA angeschlossen: Lebensmittel, die Teile der...


Personalised nutrition, cannabis and alternative proteins in the future check! On 3 June 2019 the three top trends in nutrition will be discussed at Future of Food 2019 in Munich: personalised nutrition, cannabis and alternative proteins. Further information on the event and registration can be found HERE.

Sustainable business

Quelle: forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, Ausgabe 2+3/2018, ALTOP Verlag GmbH in Kooperation mit B.A.U.M. e.V., Redaktion: Sarah Ullmann Download PDF (3,2MB)

The Comeback of Hemp in China

This year’s International Conference on Hemp Industry in Harbin, China, was one of the largest events ever held on hemp. 300 delegates from China, Australia, Europe and Canada presented success stories from all over the world and discussed future production and marketing strategies for even more and better hemp products. The conference showcased the importance

New Paper on Acute Reference Dose of Δ9-THC intake

HempConsult has published a new paper on daily intake-doses of Δ9-THC including a comment on the implementation of uncertainty factors for THC. The comment summarizes, that THC – compared to other plant ingredients – is treated unequally und unnecessarily strict. The issue paper is only available in English.

European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) publishes new paper on comparison of EFSA’s rationale behind using uncertainty factors for plant ingredients in food

EIHA assigned nova-Institute the task of analyzing how uncertainty factors are applied to various botanicals by EFSA to possibly detect a political bias towards THC-levels in food. Daniel Kruse, HempConsult GmbH, is a co-author of this important basis for a sound scientifical valuation of this theme complex. The paper is solely available in English.

New EU regulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) – Update

Please support the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) in their work to create a reasonable and uniform regulation. Urgent need for a reasonable regulation of cannabidiol (CBD) in food, cosmetics, as herbal natural medicine and as medicinal product  The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) published a position paper to overcome the patchwork of CBD-regulation in